型号 / 厂家,封装,批号,备注,订购
178RLE20 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
178RLE30 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
178RLE60 / Various,Datasheet,07+,Silicon Controlled R 订购 PDF文档
178RLE80 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
178RLG120 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
178RLH100 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
17901HRA / Coors Components,Datasheet,07+,Silicon Controlled R 订购 PDF文档
179-0003-000 RB / AVX,原厂原装,08+07+,7到10天国际现货 订购 PDF文档
17901HUA / Coors Components,Datasheet,07+,Silicon Controlled R 订购 PDF文档