型号 / 厂家,封装,批号,备注,订购
2DI150Z100 / Various,Datasheet,07+,Darlington Half Brid 订购 PDF文档
2DI15D-050 / ,,最新批号,现货库存 订购 PDF文档
2DI175A-140 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
2DI150Z120E / FUJI,150A/1200V/GTR/2U,07+,优势库存 订购 PDF文档
2DI150Z140 / Various,Datasheet,07+,Darlington Half Brid 订购 PDF文档
2DI150Z-150 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
2DI175A-120 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
2DI175D-050A / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
2DI175M-050 / ,Datasheet,07+,Power and Industrial 订购 PDF文档
2DI200A020 / Various,Datasheet,07+,Darlington Independe 订购 PDF文档