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型号 / 厂家,封装,批号,备注,订购

60CDQ20 / International Rectifier,Datasheet,07+,40 AND 60 AMP DUAL S 订购 PDF文档

60CDQ40 / International Rectifier,Datasheet,07+,40 AND 60 AMP DUAL S 订购 PDF文档

60CDQ45 / International Rectifier,Datasheet,07+,40 AND 60 AMP DUAL S 订购 PDF文档

60CGL / Cooper Bussmann,Datasheet,07+,60A:600V:Current Lim 订购 PDF文档

60CJB / Cooper Bussmann,Datasheet,07+,60A:600V:current lim 订购 PDF文档

60CJB-R / Cooper Bussmann,Datasheet,07+,60A:600V:current lim 订购 PDF文档

60CKQ045PBF / International Rectifier,Datasheet,07+,DIODE SCHOTTKY 45V 4 订购 PDF文档

60CKQ045U / International Rectifier,Datasheet,07+,General Purpose Scho 订购 PDF文档

60CM88 / ,,最新批号,原装现货 订购 PDF文档

60CMQ035 / International Rectifier,Datasheet,07+,Center-Tapped Positi 订购 PDF文档