| | | 用于 - Mini I/O Modules
- High-temperature, High-pressure Environments or Exposed to Chemicals Applications
- Load Control and Lamp Display
- easy Control Relays
- Single Colour LEDs
- K3HB-R Rotary Pulse Indicator, K3HB-P Timer Interval Indicator
- WIC, B2HZ, B2HK Power Circuits
- POE Capable Devices
- EASY series controllers
- Level Monitoring and Control
- Millenium 3 Logic Controllers
- Resistive and Inductive Loads of Ovens, Moulders, Dryers
- Level Controllers
- Data Acquisition, Control and Ethernet I/O Applications
- Zero Voltage or Instantaneous Switching Applications
- CD12, CD20 Controllers
- Display and keypad, Real Time Clock
- EASY series controllers
- AC Resistive or Inductive Loads, Half-wave Vibrator Control
- AC Resistive or Inductive Loads
- Conductive Level Controllers
- K3HB-V Weighing Indicator
- E5EN-H and E5AN-H Controllers
- AC or DC, Resistive or Inductive Loads
- Industrial Motors, Valves, Contactors, AC/DC Loads
- easy800 Control Relay and MFD-Titan Display
- Resistance Heaters
- IR33 Temperature Controllers
- Resistive Heater Loads and Auxiliary Power Devices
- EASY 700 Control Relay
- Resistive Heaters
- Machines Automation, Access Control and Lighting Applications
- Purified Water Applications
- EASY 800 Control Relay
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